Behind Story

_ My Precious Soul _

halaman ini berisi tentang semua perasaan yang sebenarnya saya rasakan yang mana TIDAK BISA saya utarakan ke siapapun. andwaedago. Karena saya tau betul, introvert itu bukan hal yang baik untuk terus2an dipelihara. Mereka ganas. Makanya saya buat metode 'explode in blog'  ini yang ngga lain adalah salah satu pelarian saya kalau udah ngga tahan mengunci seluruh persoalan dalam hati kecil saya  ini.

I know it's not reallly a good decision to express my feelings into a forum like this.
But, what can i do anymore? I think it's the most comfortable way for a person like me.

Soo, kalau merasa tidak nyaman/senang membaca personal page saya ini..
"Just close this page then leave it"
But if you want to know a bit of my sorrow, click that subheading words on top.

I certainly can’t
stay with how things are
Everyone is suffering and struggling
as they complain and grumble
That’s how they’re spending every day

We’re used to getting hurt, so we know
that you can’t live by concepts like kindness alone
But we want to be ourselves
So we’ll always walk on

We can’t convey it very well with words
No matter what we do, we only get sadder, so we keep silent
But we want to be ourselves
So we’ll walk on anyway

Repeating through my many pains and frustrations
I move on
Ever so awkwardly, step by step

We’re used to getting hurt, so we know
that the truth is, we can’t help but want to be loved
If you don’t have the courage to acknowledge it
Then I’ll reach out my hand without hesitating anymore
We can’t live by concepts like kindness alone
So we wish to be ourselves
Counting the number of hope and tomorrows
That’s how we’ll walk on
We’ll walk toward the tomorrow yet to be seen

_ BRS - ending theme_

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